This Master Degree (II Level) is an educational and training program targeting specialized surgeons, fellows and
residents who have already achieved a certain professional experience and are looking to further develop their knowledge in the field of minimally invasive techniques. Certification of competences in minimally invasive oncologic digestive surgery that responds to a relevant demand by experienced digestive surgeons and residents as the majority of public and private hospitals are nowadays equipped with advanced surgical technologies, such robotics.
UniFE Master School:
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This handbook aims to summarize the available litterature to provide an overview on the current evidence-based medical and surgical practice in case of emergency conditions in colorectal cancer patients. This handobook is adressed to residents and emergency surgeons, as well as to all practictionners that treat colorectal cancer patients, such as gastroenterologists, oncologists, and radiologists. Indeed, a multidisciplinary perspective will be described, taking into account the specific characteristics of colorectal cancer patients, the necessary pre-operative assessment, the endoscopic and radiological managements, and the surgical treatments. Each chapter is enriched by tables, figures, key-point boxes, schematic representations, and decision-making trees that are intended as easy-to-use tools to apply in the different scenarios requiring acute care. Recommendations for best practice and the main reference articles appear for each topic. Several clinical cases are illustrated to complete this handobook with cilnical and empirical evidence on the surgical management of colorectal cancer. Specific technical aspects of the different surgical interventions and approaches (e.g., open surgery, laparoscopy, and robotics) will be detailed.